or - Search Machine, Dictionary, Email, Chat, Forum, Cloud and Tools online - All in one. A search machine similar to Google, but with more tools, search power and chat possibilities and Internet Freedom OnLine

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Seek Load "All in one" Tools / Search Machine Maps, Pics, Images, IP Address Finder & Cloud File Share News, Forum, Chat, Email, Free SMS & Online Decription

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About the SeekLoad webpage
Welcome to SeekLoad, Internet Freedom Online
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SeekLoad is mainly a Internet Search Machine
In comparence with Google and others
SeekLoad works together with Google which means that you get the Googles + SeekLoads own results and you can also chose to search using other search mashines too.

If you compare SeekLoad with Google.
SeekLoad has a lot more categories to search on comparence to Google 6 categories. All search categories in SeekLoad have under categories, compared to Google and other search machines it has no under search category. Many of the search categories SeekLoad has you need to search the interie internet to find. Here you cans earch the internet using just SeekLoad.

It has searches on 82-languages and in 35-countries which is equal to Google or Baidu. The page can be shown and used in many different languages.

You have also the possibility of automatic search with adult porn protection “SafeON” which means that you can search on the Internet without getting any porn pages on you search screan. Of course you can turn the filter off by clicking “SafeOFF” if you want to have a absolute ultimate search results of anything including adult porn pages. The “SafeOFF” can be useful when you are searching for example for Sexual-tips ore Adult-tips that can be confused with porn pages by the default filter.

Dictionary and word search
The dictionary has a Wordbook that works with Wickipedia with 35 languages and a Language-Dictionary and a Web-Page-Translator with most languages.

The SeekLoad webpage has over 42-search machine links and some personal favourite links.
There is a small but good and useful list of over 1000 favourite links and all links are putt in categories so they are easy to find, and hopefully some more links will be added.

Block email spam
Other then a serach mashine SeekLoad has email at main2world that gives the posibilaty to block spam email that come to your email box.

Chat and Forum
SeekLoad has its own SeekLoad chat rooms and its own farum pages that helps you communicate with your friends and find new friends.

Phone and SMS
SeekLoad also has free phone call services and free SMS services if yo want to send SMS and call on the phone anywere in the world for free.
It is just one Click away.

You have also tools such as WebEditor and Color-Tools like a Color comparer and a Color-Picker. It has a Math Calculator that works both for simple users and for advanced users and for Science a Periodic Table, and a lot of different Equivalantors, it has a Calender with possibility of looking up years in the future, and a Anonymous Internet Browser and a FTP Browser. And if you want to calculate your download time it has a Download Time Calculator.

New versions and stuff for it are uploaded on to Internet all the time as fast as possible, the address remain the same for a good wile in the future.

Please HELP it grow.
Please BookMark SeekLoad or put SeekLoad as a link or abnner on your Internet page.
I will be more then happy to hear that more people have herd of my page. The more the page is used, by more people the better. The goal for the page is to be a library of Search Machines, Search Possibilities, Dictionaries and online Tools.

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